Plant Details
- Accepted name:
Zygophyllum bruguieri (DC.) Christenh. & Byng [Zygophyllaceae]
- More about this plant:
Non-scientific name: | Class of name: | Medicinal source: |
afessour | Other |
Ethnobot. of Med. Pl. from Hoggar, Algeria (Ramdane et al, 2015)
dhamasa | Other |
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
gul-e- kakarh | Other |
Med. Pl. in Balochistan, Pakistan (Bibi et al., 2014)
shika'a | Other |
Trad. Med. Pl. of Al-Rass, Saudi Arabia (El-Ghazali et al., 2010)
Trad. Use of Ethnomed. Pl. of Saudi Arabia (Aati et al., 2019) |