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Plant Details

Accepted name: 
Carica papaya L. [Caricaceae]
More about this plant: 
Non-scientific name: Class of name: Medicinal source:
aanabahe-hindi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ababa Other Med. Pl. Argentine Flora (Barboza et al., 2009)
abábaü Other Med. Pl. E Nicaragua (Coe et al., 1996)
adiba Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
akka thangi hannu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
akpakpa Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
akunyanyela Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
amba-hindi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
amema Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
anbah hindi Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
andakharbuja Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
apappaya-pazham Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
arand kharbuza Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
arandkharbuza Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ayolé Other Domestic Market in Herb. Med. in Benin (Quiroz et al., 2014)
babaya Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
babog fruta bomba Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
bapaipundoo Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bappangaayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bappangayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bappayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bappayya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
barangi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bataamaal Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Abui Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
betek Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
betik Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
betik petik Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
bobbasi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
booppamkaya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppaayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppasa Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppayi-hannu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppayi-pandu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppayya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
boppe Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
borofer Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
borofere Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
borosuow Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
brahmairandah Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
buruku-mani Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
caricae papayae folium Pharmaceutical E-Kommission: Unapproved Status (1984-1994)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
caricae papayae fructus Pharmaceutical Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
caricae papayae succus Pharmaceutical Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
carpaya root Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
chamburu Other Med. Pl. Braz. Pharm. (Brandão et al., 2006)
chich put Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
chirbhita Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chomchhadersi Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
ch´ich´put Other Guía de la Col. de Pl. Med. de PCTY (Méndez González et al., 2016)
cittamukkicam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
cittamukkikamaram Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
colra Other Ethnobot. of Pangkhua Community in Bangladesh (Faruque, 2019)
conkarikam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
conkarikamaram Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
crot-kyeei Other Med Pl. of Myanmar (DeFilipps & Krupnick, 2018)
dipapayi Other Useful Pl. of Kongo C Province, Vol. 1-2 (Latham & ku Mbuta, 2017)
erand-karkati Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
eranda karkati Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
erandachirbhata Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
erandachirbhita Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
erandakarakati Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
erandakarkati Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
etighi-mbakara Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
faifai Other Handbook of Arabian Med. Pl. (Ghazanfar, 1994)
fan kua Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
fan mu gua Other U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
ffafy Other Handbook of Arabian Med. Pl. (Ghazanfar, 1994)
fifaiy Other Handbook of Arabian Med. Pl. (Ghazanfar, 1994)
folha de mamão Other Pl. for Malaria, Pl. for Fever (Milliken, 2021)
fruta bomba Other Med. Pl. in Ethnobot./Relig. Trads., Cuba (Carlomagno et al., 2015)
fruta bomba macho Other Med. Pl. in Ethnobot./Relig. Trads., Cuba (Carlomagno et al., 2015)
gandul Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
gas labu Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
go Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
gondele Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
goppe Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
goppe hannu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
goppen Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
gwanda Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
gwandau Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
gwandu Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
higo de mastuero Other Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
hla-crote kyee Other Med Pl. of Myanmar (DeFilipps & Krupnick, 2018)
ibepe Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
Herb. Med. in Malaria Mgmt., Nigeria (Olorunniyi & Morenikeji, 2013)
Med. Pl. in Lagos, Nigeria. (Olowokudejo et al., 2008)
kaniyamanakku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kaplam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kappalam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kariyamanakku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karmmatti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karmmos Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karmmosu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karmmusu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karmosu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karpakkini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karpakkinimaram Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karumusa Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karutha Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
katela gantung Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
kates Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
kavunagaci Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
kepaya Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
ketela Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
kodipappali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kpakpa Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
kpinman Other Med. Pl. Used in Malaria Mgmt., S Benin (Lagnika et al., 2016)
kuntaia Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
lechosa Other Med. Pl. Argentine Flora (Barboza et al., 2009)
lechoso Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
lohong si phle Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
madana anapa chettu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madana-anapakaya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madanaanapa Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madananaba Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madhukarkati Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madhurnakam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madhurnakamu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mak-sang-hpaw Other Med Pl. of Myanmar (DeFilipps & Krupnick, 2018)
mamoeira Other Med. Pl. Braz. Pharm. (Brandão et al., 2006)
Trad. Uses of American Pl. spp. (Brandão et al., 2009)
mamoeiro Other Pl. for Malaria, Pl. for Fever (Milliken, 2021)
mamon Other U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
mamão Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Hypothesis to Local Pharmacop., Brazil (Lozano et al., 2014)
Med. & Pois. Pl. NE Brazil (Agra et al., 2007)
Med. Pl. Traded in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Leitão et al., 2014)
Med. Pl. of NE Brazil (Fátima Agra et al., 2008)
Med. Pl. of Sobradinho, Piauí, Brazil (Silva et al., 2015)
Pl. for Malaria, Pl. for Fever (Milliken, 2021)
mamão-macho Other Pl. for Malaria, Pl. for Fever (Milliken, 2021)
mamón Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Med. Pl. Argentine Flora (Barboza et al., 2009)
mamón macho Other Med. Pl. Argentine Flora (Barboza et al., 2009)
mansi Other Med Pl. of Myanmar (DeFilipps & Krupnick, 2018)
mapaya Other Pl. for Malaria, Pl. for Fever (Milliken, 2021)
mapaza Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
melon tree Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
melonenbaum Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
Tea and Herbal Infusions Europe Pl. Inventory (THIE, 2021)
melonenbaumblätter Other E-Kommission: Unapproved Status (1984-1994)
mewa Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
mu gua Other Fresh Med. Pl. in Singapore (Siew et al., 2014)
mu kua Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
mummy apple Other Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
naattupappali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nalikadala Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nda karbhooja Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nlolo Other Trade in African Med. Pl., Belgium (van Andel & Fundiko, 2016)
okworo-beke Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
omita Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ommai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pa- paya Other Med Pl. of Myanmar (DeFilipps & Krupnick, 2018)
pabda Other Ethnomed. of Garo Hills, Durgapur, Bangladesh (Khan et al., 2015)
pangi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papaaya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papaia Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
papailler Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
papain Other E-Kommission: Unapproved Status (1984-1994)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 32 (2008)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 37 (2013)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 43 (2020)
papain. Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
papainum Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
papainum crudum Pharmaceutical E-Kommission: Unapproved Status (1984-1994)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
papaja Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
papajabaum Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
papajamaram Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papajapflanze Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
papal Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papaw Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
Med Pl. of Myanmar (DeFilipps & Krupnick, 2018)
National List of Med. Pl. in Palestine (Ali-Shtayeh et al., 2014)
Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
papaw tree Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
papay Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papaya Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
Demand & Supply of Med. Pl. in India (Ved et al., 2008)
Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Ethnomedica (RBG, Kew, 2020)
Fresh Med. Pl. in Singapore (Siew et al., 2014)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
Guía de la Col. de Pl. Med. de PCTY (Méndez González et al., 2016)
Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
Med. Pl. Argentine Flora (Barboza et al., 2009)
Med. Pl. Marketing in Bangladesh (Dixie et al., 2003)
Med. Pl. Nicarag. Atlantic Coast (Barrett, 1994)
Med. Pl. by Health Professionals, Mexico (Alonso-Castro et al., 2017)
Med. Pl. in N Peruvian Andes (Corroto et al., 2019)
Med. Pl. in the Milieu of Swat, Pakistan (Nasir et al., 2014)
Med. Pl. of the Achuar, Ecuador (Giovannini, 2015)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
Native American Ethnobot.(Moerman, 1998)
Philippine Herbal Med. (Alvarez, 2005-2022)
Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
Pl. Res. of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, Mexico (Casas et al., 2001)
Pl. for Malaria, Pl. for Fever (Milliken, 2021)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Abui Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
Tea and Herbal Infusions Europe Pl. Inventory (THIE, 2021)
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
WHODrug Herbal Substances 2019 (WHO-UMC, 2019)
WHODrug Herbal Substances 2024 (WHO-UMC, 2024)
papaya leaf Other Ethnomedica (RBG, Kew, 2020)
papaya tree Other Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
papaye Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
papayer Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
Pl. Méd. de la Pharmacop.: Liste A (2000)
Useful Pl. of Kongo C Province, Vol. 1-2 (Latham & ku Mbuta, 2017)
papayero Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Med. Pl. Argentine Flora (Barboza et al., 2009)
papayu Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
papeeta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
Med. Pl. in the Milieu of Swat, Pakistan (Nasir et al., 2014)
papita Other Demand & Supply of Med. Pl. in India (Ved et al., 2008)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
Med. Pl. Marketing in Bangladesh (Dixie et al., 2003)
Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
papita desi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papitaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
papitaa desi Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
papiteh Other Trad. Persian Med. Pl. Database (Rahimi et al., 2018)
papitha Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papiya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
papol Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
pappaali Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
pappaayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappali Other Ethnophytomed. Against Diabetes, SE Asia (Marwat et al., 2014)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappali-pazham Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappalikaimaram Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappalippal Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappangaayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappangaye Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappangayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappay Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappaya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappaya-pazham Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappayam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappayambalam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappayampazham Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
pappayi-pazham Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappelasu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pappita Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parangi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parangi hannu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parangi hannu mara Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parangi mara Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parangimara Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parangiyamanakku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paranjihannu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parankiyamanakku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parindhi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paringi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pasalai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paw paw Other Med. Pl. of Yaegl Community, Australia. (Packer et al., 2012)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
pawaw tree Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pawpaw Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Fresh Med. Pl. in Singapore (Siew et al., 2014)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Ghana Herbal Pharmacop. (Busia, 2007)
Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
Handbook of Arabian Med. Pl. (Ghazanfar, 1994)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
Med Pl. of Myanmar (DeFilipps & Krupnick, 2018)
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
Useful Pl. of Kongo C Province, Vol. 1-2 (Latham & ku Mbuta, 2017)
pawpaw fruits Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
pawpaw leaf Other Ghana’s Herbal Market (van Andel et al., 2012)
pawpaw tree Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
payi payi Other Trade in African Med. Pl., Belgium (van Andel & Fundiko, 2016)
Useful Pl. of Kongo C Province, Vol. 1-2 (Latham & ku Mbuta, 2017)
pepaya Other Med. Pl. Kalimantan, Indonesia (Caniago et al., 1998)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
pepe Other Ethnobot. of Pangkhua Community in Bangladesh (Faruque, 2019)
Ethnomed. of Garo Hills, Durgapur, Bangladesh (Khan et al., 2015)
Med. Pl. Marketing in Bangladesh (Dixie et al., 2003)
pepiya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pepol Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
peragi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
perinji Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
petik Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
pharangi-hannu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
phengse Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
piranji Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
popai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
popaiya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
popaiya or popaiyah Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
popaiyah Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
poppaya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
poppayi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
poppoia Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
puppali pullum Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
santong Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
sayinbo Other Handbook African Med. Pl. (Iwu, 1993)
tamarand Other Med. Pl. Nicarag. Atlantic Coast (Barrett, 1994)
tinti Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
twas Other Med. Pl. Nicarag. Atlantic Coast (Barrett, 1994)
ulmak Other Med. Pl. for Diabetes in C America (Giovannini et al., 2016)
umbalay Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
wan shou kuo Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
đu đủ Other Pl. & Animal in Trad. Med., Viet Nam (Ngoc Van & Tap, 2008)
بابايا‬ Other National List of Med. Pl. in Palestine (Ali-Shtayeh et al., 2014)
پپیته Other Trad. Persian Med. Pl. Database (Rahimi et al., 2018)
ගස්ලබු Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
පැපොල් Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
‫باباظ Other National List of Med. Pl. in Palestine (Ali-Shtayeh et al., 2014)
木瓜 Other Fresh Med. Pl. in Singapore (Siew et al., 2014)
番木瓜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Chinese Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
番木瓜叶 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Chinese Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)