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Accepted scientific name of each plant Frequency that plant appears in medicinal sources
Renealmia striata (Stokes) Govaerts ex Maas 4

These plants were selected because your search term "Amomum"...

Medicinal source Year published Frequency of search term in medicinal sources

Non-scientific names Records referring to name

Scientific names as used in medicinal source Records referring to name

Scientific name Taxonomic status Accepted name
Amomum striatum Stokes Scientific Synonym Renealmia striata (Stokes) Govaerts ex Maas
Amomum sylvestre Sw. Scientific Synonym Renealmia striata (Stokes) Govaerts ex Maas

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Accepted Name: (1)
  • Renealmia striata (Stokes) Govaerts ex Maas (2)
Name Category: (1)
  • Scientific names linked from taxonomic databases (2)
Name: (2)
  • amomum striatum stokes (1)
  • amomum sylvestre sw. (1)
Medicinal Source: (1)
  • World Checklist (2)
MPNS Accepted name Scientific name used in medicinal source All names Medicinal sources
Renealmia striata (Stokes) Govaerts ex Maas Amomum striatum Stokes

(Scientific Synonym)

World Checklist
Renealmia striata (Stokes) Govaerts ex Maas Amomum sylvestre Sw.

(Scientific Synonym)

World Checklist
** Please note, we recommend not including plant parts or other additional details as part of the search term since this may cause some relevant records to be excluded from your results. For example, searching for “ginseng root” will retrieve only 3 plants, but searching for “ginseng” on its own results in 19 different plants.