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Non-scientific name:

zu’rurr el awdiyah

2 Accepted name(s) for "zu’rurr el awdiyah":

1 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004) Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. dried flower-bearing branch flower-bearing branch
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004) Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Lindm) Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Crataegus monogyna Jacq. dried flower-bearing branch flower-bearing branch

36 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "zu’rurr el awdiyah":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
aubeline Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
aubepine Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
biancospino Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
calabrice Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
calavrice Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
eenarijlige meidorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
eenstijlige meidorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
eingriffeliger weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
einkern-weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
espinero Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
espino blanco Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
espino majuelo Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
folium cum flore crataegi Pharmaceutical WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
galagonya virágzó ágvég Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
hagdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
hagedorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
harthorne Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
haw Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
hawthorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
hedge thorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
majuelo Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
may Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
may thorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
mehlbeerbaum Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
mehldorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
seiyosanzashi Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
shanzha Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
sorkh valik Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
spina Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
stumpfgelappter weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
whitethorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
za bur Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
zweigriffeliger weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
zweikern-weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
épine blanche Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)