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Non-scientific name:


3 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999) Acacia karroo Hayne Acacia karroo Hayne Vachellia karroo (Hayne) Banfi & Galasso
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004) Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. dried flower-bearing branch flower-bearing branch
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010) Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. dried flower-bearing branches branches
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004) Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Lindm) Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Crataegus monogyna Jacq. dried flower-bearing branch flower-bearing branch
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010) Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Lindm) Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Crataegus monogyna Jacq. dried flower-bearing branches branches

96 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "weissdorn":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
//khub Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
aubeline Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
aubepine Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
biancospino Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
butema Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
calabrice Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
calavrice Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
cape acacia Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
cape gum Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
cape thorn-tree Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
cassie piquants blancs Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
cockspur thorn Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
deo-babool Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
doorn boom Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
eenarijlige meidorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
eenstijlige meidorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
eingriffeliger weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
einkern-weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
epya Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
espinero Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
espino blanco Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
espino majuelo Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
folium cum flore crataegi Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
folium cum flore crataegi Pharmaceutical WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
gaba Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
galagonya virágzó ágvég Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
hagdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
hagedorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
harthorne Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
haw Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
hawthorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
hedge thorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
intlaka Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
isinga Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
kalagali Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
kalimela Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
kaludai Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
karroo thorn Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
karroodoring Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
kikar Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
leoka Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
majuelo Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
may Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
may thorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
mehlbeerbaum Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
mehldorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
micaia Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mimosa thorn Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mimosadoring Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
minga Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
moko Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
monalana Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
monee Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mooka Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mookana Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mormati Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
moshaoka Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mpuka Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mubayamhondoro Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
munenje Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
munga Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mussadzi Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
muunga Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
orusu Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
pahari kikar Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
preta Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
s?ssdorn Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
seiyosanzashi Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
shanzha Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
singa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
soetdoring Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
sorkh valik Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
spina Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
stumpf gelappter weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
stumpfgelappter weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
sweet thorn Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
sweet-thorn Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
udai vel Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
umnga Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
umngampunzi Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
umunga Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
white thorn Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
whitethorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
witdoring Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
za bur Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
zu’rurr el awdiyah Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
zu’rurrel awdiyah Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
zweigriffeliger weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
zweikern-weissdorn Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)
|ongkauru Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
||gam||khuus Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
||gana Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
||hu.s Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
||khuub Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
||khuus Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
||kuu.s Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
épine blanche Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. in N.I.S. (WHO, 2010)