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Non-scientific name:


1 Accepted name(s) for "turpeth":

5 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016) Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999) Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso
The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946) Ipomoea turpethum R. Br Ipomoea turpethum (L.) R.Br. Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Root
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007) Operculina turpethum (Linn.) Silva Manso. Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso root, resin, bark
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020) Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso

38 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "turpeth":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
bana ethka Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
bilitigadu Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
dudiva-kalmi Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
fue vao Other U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
he guo teng Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
indian jalap Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
kaalaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
karunchivadai Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
kumbha Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
misot Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
nishoth Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
nishotra Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
nishottara Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
nisoth Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
pithori Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
pulvis turpethum compositum Pharmaceutical The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
rechani Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
saralaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
shivadai Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
shyaama Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
shyaamaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
st. thomas lidpod Other U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
suvahaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
tella tegada Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
transparent wood-rose Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
tribhandi Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
triputaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
trivrit Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016)
trivrta Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
trivrtaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
triyrit Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
turbit Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
turbud Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
turpeth root Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
turpeth. Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
turpethum Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
white turpeth Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
white turpeth root Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)