Non-scientific name:
4 Accepted name(s) for "tana":
3 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:
Medicinal sources: | Scientific names as used in medicinal source: | MPNS matched scientific names: | Accepted name: | Drug form: | Plant parts: |
Med. Pl. Used by Indig. Taiwan (CCMP, 2003) | Toona sinensis (Juss.) M. Roem. | Toona sinensis (A.Juss.) M.Roem. | Toona sinensis (A.Juss.) M.Roem. | ||
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) | Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels | Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. | Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. | Root | |
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) | Cocculus villosus DC. | Cocculus villosus DC. | Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. | ||
Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002) | Botrychium multifidum (Gmelin) Ruprecht | Botrychium multifidum (S.G.Gmel.) Rupr. | Botrychium multifidum (S.G.Gmel.) Rupr. | ||
Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002) | Elsholtzia blanda (Bentham) Bentham | Elsholtzia blanda (Benth.) Benth. | Elsholtzia blanda (Benth.) Benth. |
175 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "tana":