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Non-scientific name:


3 Accepted name(s) for "spinach":

14 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Trad. Drugs in Jordan (Lev & Amar, 2002) Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea L.

MPNS Best Guess

Spinacia oleracea L. Seed
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Trad. Drugs in Israel at End C20th (Lev & Amar, 2000) Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Seed
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. fruit
Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016) Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
U.S. Homeopathic Pharmacop. (HPUS, 2009) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Ethnomedica (RBG, Kew, 2020) Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
National List of Med. Pl. in Palestine (Ali-Shtayeh et al., 2014) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Tea and Herbal Infusions Europe Pl. Inventory (THIE, 2021) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L. Spinacia oleracea L.
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Amaranthus hybridus Linn. Amaranthus hybridus L. Amaranthus hybridus L.
Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020) Cucumis sativus Cucumis sativus L. Cucumis sativus L. Fruits, Seeds

103 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "spinach":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
aivakaimanilakkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
aivakaimanilam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
aloci Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
aloki Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bayam Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
bo cai Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
bō cài Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
bō cài zǐ Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
bō léng cài Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
bō sī cài Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
cali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ch'ih ken ts'ai Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
chhurika Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chiritchhada Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chitar Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
cikkiranti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
cirri Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dumpabachhali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
epinard Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
espinaca Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
espinafre Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
gramini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
gramyavallabha Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
horenso Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
iruppavalotaram Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
is-finaj Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
is-panaj Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
isfanaj Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ispanak Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
ispank Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ispinakh Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
ispinaph Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kanayilai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karuni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karunikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kshurapatrika Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kshurika Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madhura Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
madhusudani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
malaricivancam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
matturbachhali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
minciyatavankam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mukundana gida Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mutturbachhali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nalvacalai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
narpacalai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paala koora Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paalak Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paalak soppu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paalakya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pacalai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pacali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pacalikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pacici Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pacili Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
palak Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
palakya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
palanki Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
palankya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
palki Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pariyan Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pasalai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pavanati Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pavanatikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
payalai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
payavuri Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
payili Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
payiri Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pinni Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
pinnis Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pipigngna Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
po leng ts'ai Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
po ssu ts'ao Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
po ts'ai Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
poh choy Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
sag Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
sagpalak Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
shǔ gēn cài Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
sigeumchi Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
snigdhapatra Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
spenat Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
spinach soppu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
spinacia Other U.S. Homeopathic Pharmacop. (HPUS, 2009)
spinacio Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
spinage Other U.S. Homeopathic Pharmacop. (HPUS, 2009)
spinagh Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
spinat Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Tea and Herbal Infusions Europe Pl. Inventory (THIE, 2021)
supatra Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
thiyambara Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
tinti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tintikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vacalaikkirai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vasaiyilaikkirai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vastukakara Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
épinard Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
තියඹරා Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
පිපිඤ්ඤා Other Ayurvedic Med. Pl. of Sri Lanka (Samarasuriya et al., 2020)
‫سبانخ‬ Other National List of Med. Pl. in Palestine (Ali-Shtayeh et al., 2014)
波斯菜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
波棱菜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
菠菜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
菠菜子 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
鼠根菜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)