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Non-scientific name:


2 Accepted name(s) for "sedingin":

2 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Kalanchoe laciniata Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC. Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC. whole shoot system
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Kalanchoe laciniata (Linn.) Dc. Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC. Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC.
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Kalanchoe laciniata DC. Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC. Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC. leaves
Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016) Kalanchoe pinnata (LAM.) PERS. Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamk.) Pers. Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Bryophyllum pinnatum Kurz. Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. leaves
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Bryophyllum pinnata Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. whole shoot system
Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016) Bryophyllum pinnatum KURZ Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.

47 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "sedingin":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
air plant Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
bunitiris Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
cakar babek Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
cakar itik Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
chakar bebek Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
chakar itek Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
christmastree plant Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
daun sejuk Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
dǎ bù sǐ Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
ganti batang Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
jiā lán cài Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
jiǎ chuān lián Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
jī zhǎo sān qī Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
kerenchong Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
kerencong Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
life plant Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
life-plant Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
luo di sheng gen Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
luò dì shēng gēn Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
qié lán cài Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
raja bangun Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
rajah bangun Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
seringin Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
setawar Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
setawar kampong Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
setawar kampung Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
setawar padang Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
shāng cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
shāng yào Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
sosor bebek Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
suru bebek Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
tapak itek Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
tapak itik Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
tiān dēng lóng Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
tumboh daun Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
tumbuh daun Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
yè shēng gēn Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
伤草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
伤药 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
伽蓝菜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
假川莲 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
叶生根 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
天灯笼 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
打不死 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
枷蓝菜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
落地生根 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
鸡爪三七 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)