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Non-scientific name:


3 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013) Prismatomeris tetrandra (Roxburgh) K. Schum. Prismatomeris tetrandra (Roxb.) K.Schum. Prismatomeris tetrandra (Roxb.) K.Schum. roots
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Canthium dicoccum Merr. Canthium dicoccum (Gaertn.) Merr. Psydrax dicoccos Gaertn. roots
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Zizyphus kunstleri King. Ziziphus kunstleri King Ziziphus kunstleri King leaves, roots
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Ardisia colorata Roxb. Ardisia colorata Roxb. Ardisia complanata Wall. root, leaves
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Euphorbia tirucalli Euphorbia tirucalli L. Euphorbia tirucalli L. entire plant
Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016) Euphorbia tirucalli L. Euphorbia tirucalli L. Euphorbia tirucalli L.

41 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "mentulang":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
beberas nasi Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
bertulang Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
guāng gùn shù Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
hagpo Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
jerok puteh Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
kayu lupa dahan Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
kayu mata buah Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
kayu patah tulang Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
kayu urip Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
kraduk kai Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
lǜ shān hú Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
lǜ yù shù Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
marabuloh Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
mata pelandok Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
membuloh Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
mensial Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
mentua pelandok Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
meraga Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
meranting Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
mertulang Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
metulang Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
milkbush Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
mundess Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
nauli-nauli Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
nyelo hutan Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
paching tawa Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
penjarang Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
romdenh meas Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
romdenh men Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
sepedeh Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
shén xiān bàng Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
sindok hutan Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
sumpuh lumpok Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
susun kelapa hutan Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
tikel balung Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
tongkat haji samad Other Malaysian Herbal Monog., Vol. 3. (2013)
tulang-tulang Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
光棍树 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
神仙棒 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
绿玉树 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
绿珊瑚 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)