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Non-scientific name:


5 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Pl. for Musculoskeletal Disorders, N. Pakistan (Malik et al., 2018) Debregeasia salicifolia Rendle Debregeasia salicifolia (D.Don) Rendle Debregeasia saeneb (Forssk.) Hepper & J.R.I.Wood Fruit
Indig. Uses of Pl. of Malakand, Pakistan (Habib-Ul-Hassan et al., 2015) Chenopodium botrys L. Chenopodium botrys L. Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants Whole plant
Med. Pl. in Shahgram Valley, Pakistan (Hassan et al., 2020) Chenopodium botrys L. Chenopodium botrys L. Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants Whole plant
Med. Pl. of Tehsil Charbagh, Pakistan (Khan et al., 2015) Chenopodium murale Chenopodium murale L. Chenopodiastrum murale (L.) S.Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch whole plant
Indig. Knwlg. of Med. Pl., Pakistan (Khan et al., 2020) Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Root

There are no other non-scientific names for "kharawa" in the MPNS resource.