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Non-scientific name:


1 Accepted name(s) for "gobo":

Accepted name
Arctium lappa L.

4 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016) Arctium lappa Arctium lappa L. Arctium lappa L.
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999) Arctium lappa L. Arctium lappa L. Arctium lappa L.
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000) Arctium lappa L. Arctium lappa L. Arctium lappa L. fruit
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Arctium lappa L. Arctium lappa L. Arctium lappa L.

35 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "gobo":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
arqityon Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
bardana Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
bardana-maior Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
bardane comestible Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
beggar's-buttons Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
bur Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
burdock Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
burdock blood Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
cockle buttons Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dulavratotu Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
edible burdock Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
eßbare klettenwurzel Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
glouteron Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
goboshi Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
gobō Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
grande bardane Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
great burdock Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
greater burdock Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
große klette Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
jangli kuth Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
japanische klettenwurzel Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
kewe Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
kuang mu hsiang Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
kut Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
lampazo mayor Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
lapa Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
lappa Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
niu ban Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
niu bang zi, niu bang zi Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
niu p'ang tzu Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
niu ts'ai Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
shu nien Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
ta li tzu Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
waisar Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)
wu shih Other Duke's Ethnobot. DB: Ethnobot. (USDA, 1992-2016)