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Non-scientific name:

dan shen

1 Accepted name(s) for "dan shen":

8 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge
Illus. Chinese Materia Medica (Wu, 2005) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge dried root and rhizome root, rhizome
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge dried roots and rhizomes root, rhizome
TCM Pl. for Syst. Bio. Evaluation (Eisenberg et al., 2011) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge root, rhizome
Taiwan Herbal Pharmacop. 3rd Chinese ed. (MOHW, 2018) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge dried root and rhizome root, rhizome
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Salvia miltiorhiza Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge root
Value Chains of Herbal Med. (Booker et al., 2012) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge

25 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "dan shen":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
bēn mǎ cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
chinese red sage Other U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
chinese sage Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
chinese salvia Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
cháng shǔ wěi cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
dansam Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
danshen Other U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
dān cān Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
qiè chán cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
racine de salvia Other U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
radix salviae miltiorrhizae Pharmaceutical Illus. Chinese Materia Medica (Wu, 2005)
red sage Other Taiwan Herbal Pharmacop. 3rd Chinese ed. (MOHW, 2018)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
red-root sage Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
red-rooted sage Other Illus. Chinese Materia Medica (Wu, 2005)
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
redroot sage Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
rödrotssalvia Other GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
salvia miltiorrhiza root and rhizome Other U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
salviae miltiorrhizae radix et rhizoma Pharmaceutical Taiwan Herbal Pharmacop. 3rd Chinese ed. (MOHW, 2018)
tan shen Other U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
丹参 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
TCM Pl. for Syst. Bio. Evaluation (Eisenberg et al., 2011)
U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)
丹參 Other Taiwan Herbal Pharmacop. 3rd Chinese ed. (MOHW, 2018)
奔马草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
郄蝉草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
长鼠尾草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
단삼 Other U.S. Pharmacop. USP 39 (2016)