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Non-scientific name:


10 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020) Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham. Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011) Swertia chirata Buch.Ham Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. whole plant whole plant
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008) Swertia chirata Buch. Ham. Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. whole plant whole plant
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008) Swertia chirata Buch. Ham. Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. whole plant whole plant
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004) Swertia chirata Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst.
Tea and Herbal Infusions Europe Pl. Inventory (THIE, 2021) Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst.
Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002) Swertia chirayita (Roxburgh ex Fleming) Karsten Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst.
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000) Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Fleming) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. aboveground parts
Trad. Herb. Remedies for Primary Health Care (WHO SE Asia, 2011) Swertia chirata (Roxb. ex Fleming) H. Karst Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Whole plant
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007) Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Flem.) Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. bark, whole plant
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020) Swertia chirayita (Roxb. & Fleming) Karsten Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst.
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020) Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004) Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees dried aerial parts aerial parts

125 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "chiretta":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
akar cerita bidara Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
alui Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
anaryatikta Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
andrographidis kraut Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
aranyatikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
bhoonimba Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
bhuinimo Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
bhulimb Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
bhuninba Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
bhuunimba Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
bhūnimba Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
bidara Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
brown chiretta Other Trad. Herb. Remedies for Primary Health Care (WHO SE Asia, 2011)
bunimba Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
charayatah Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
charayeta Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
charayetha Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
charita Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
charyatah Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
cheranta Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
cherota Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
chiraita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
chiraitaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
chiraito Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
chirata Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
Med. Pl. of the World (Wyk & Wink, 2004)
Trad. Herb. Remedies for Primary Health Care (WHO SE Asia, 2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chirata herb Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
chirata kaddi Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chiratika Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chirayat Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chirayata Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chirayatah Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chirayita Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chireita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chireta Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chiretia Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chirta Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
chuan-hsin-lien Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
chuān-xīn-lián Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
creat Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
công công Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
east indian balmony Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
faathalaaichon Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
false chirata Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
fathalaai Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
fathalaichon Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
fathalaijone Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
halviva Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
herba andrographidis Pharmaceutical WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
herba sambiloto Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
hinbinkohomba Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
i-chienhsi Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
indisch chiretta Other Tea and Herbal Infusions Europe Pl. Inventory (THIE, 2021)
kaduchiraita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kairaata Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
kalafath Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kalmegh Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kan-jang Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kandatikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
kariyat Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kariyatu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kariyatun Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
katutikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
khee-pang-hee Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
king of bitters Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kiraata Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
kiraataka Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
kiraatatikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
kiraatatiktaka Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
kiraita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kirata Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kirataka Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kiratatikta Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
kiratatikta powder Other Trad. Herb. Remedies for Primary Health Care (WHO SE Asia, 2011)
kiratatiktaka Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
kiratiktaka Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kirayathu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirayattu Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kiriathu Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kirlyattu Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kirta Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kiryat Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
kiryata Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kiryato Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
kirāta Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirātaka Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirātatikta (whole plant) Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirātatiktaka Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
l se Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
lanhelian Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
lose Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
mahatikta Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
mahatita Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
naelavemu Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
nalebevu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
naynahudandi Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
neelavemu Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
neelaveru Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
nelabevu Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
nelavemu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
nelaveppu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
nilamakanjiram Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
nilavembu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
nilaveppu Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
qasab-uz-zareerah Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
quasab-uz-zarirah Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
raamasenaka Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
rauka Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
rice bitters Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
sambilata Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
sambiloto Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
senshinren Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
shirattakuchi Other Unani Pharmacop. India (2007-2008)
sinta Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
spurious chirata Other Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020)
sungkhingba Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
tento Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
tig-ta Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
timda Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
tito Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
trinnimba Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
white chiretta Other Trad. Herb. Remedies for Primary Health Care (WHO SE Asia, 2011)
xuyên tâm liên Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
yaa kannguu yijianxi Other WHO Monog. Med. Pl. 2 (WHO, 2004)
yin du zhang ya cai Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)
zang yin chen Other Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000)