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Non-scientific name:


4 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002) Swertia angustifolia Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011) Swertia chirata Buch.Ham Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. whole plant whole plant
The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946) Swertia chirata Buch. (Ham.) Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Whole plant
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst.
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. Root
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Gentiana kurroo Royle Gentiana kurroo Royle Gentiana kurroo Royle Root

196 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "chireta":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
aadama balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
adambuballi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
akabhida Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
anantavalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
anaryatikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bajar bel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bajar-bel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bhūnimba Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
buroni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
calakattu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
calapasani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
charayata Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
chchilihinda Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
cheepurutheega Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chhirenta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chilahinta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chilihindah Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chilihinta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chipurutige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chiraayitha Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chiragita Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
chiraita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chiraito Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
chirat. Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
chirata Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
chirata kaddi Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chirayat Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chirayata Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chirayath Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chireita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chiretta Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
chirouta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chirta Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
ciriya-katukkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
cirukaikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
cirukattukoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
cutarcaracam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
daagadiballi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dagadi balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dagadiballi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dhagadi balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
diar Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dier Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dirghakanda Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dirghavalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
doosaratheege Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
doosari balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dridhakanda Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dridhalata Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusara tiga Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusaraputiga Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusaratiga Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusare balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusari balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusariballi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusaritige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dusedithige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
eluccikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
farid-butti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
faridburti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
faridbutti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
garudi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
girisanuja Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
goru tite Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
gulabajamuna Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
gya tce ba Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
hier Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
hunder Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
infusum chiratae compositum concentratum Pharmaceutical The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
jal-jamini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
jalajamani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
jalayamani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
jaljamni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
jamti-ki-bel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
jamtikibel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
jawalsoppu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kaade kiraaith Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kaage maari Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kadu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kaduchiraita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kalinikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kampantirai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kampman Other Pl. & People of Nepal (Manandhar, 2002)
kanakavacciratti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karadihanni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kariyatu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kariyatun Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
karru Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
katla tiga Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
katlathige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
katlatige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kattu-k-koti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kattukkodi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kattukkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kattukodi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
katuki Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ketuvacakkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ketuvacam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
khareta-ki-bel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kiraaith Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kiraatha kaddi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kiraita Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirata-tikta Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
kiratatikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kirayathu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirayet Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kiriyat Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kiriyatu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kirāta Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirātaka Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirātatikta (whole plant) Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kirātatiktaka Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
kolim Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kore Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kotippavai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kotippavaikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kottukodi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kutki Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
lose Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
mahahala Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mahamula Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
malaiccurukkay Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
malaikkaru Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mattakajakkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mekanatattimuli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mekanati Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mekanatikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nagan Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nalebevu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
neel kanthi (pashanbheda) Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nela baevu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nelabedu Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
nelavaema Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nelavemu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nelaveppu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
nila vem Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
nila vembu Other The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
nilamakanjiram Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
nilavembu Other Ayurvedic Pharm. of India (1999-2011)
nilavempu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nilavimbu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nirppanti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nirppantikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paathalagarudi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
palani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
paravel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
parvel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
patalagaruda Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
patalagarudah Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
patalagarudakkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
patalagarudi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
perkkaci Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
perkkacikkoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
sauparni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
shipri Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
singaadi balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
somavalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
sugadi balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
sugadiballi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
sugadigida Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tan Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tana Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ticaikkarutankoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tiktanga Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tiktani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
til dhara Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tilaghas Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tinctura chiratae composita Pharmaceutical The Indian Pharmacop. List 1946 (Govt. of India, 1946)
tra-ya-nti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
trayaman Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
trayamana Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
trayanti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
trayantika Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tucari Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
uppaittiricci Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
uppirkuruti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
utiritam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
utiritankoti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
utitaniratti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vacipputu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
val Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vanatiktika Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vasan-vel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vasanavela Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vasandi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vasantitikta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vasanvel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vatsadani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
vev-no-velo Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
wasan Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
yadaaniballi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
yadaniballi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
yagadi balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
yudaani balli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)