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Non-scientific name:

cat's tail

3 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Pogostemon auricularius Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk. Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk. whole shoot system
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Uraria crinita Uraria crinita (L.) Desv. ex DC. Uraria crinita (L.) Desv. ex DC. root
SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999) Typha latifolia L. Typha latifolia L. Typha latifolia L.
Wild-Harvested Spp. in Trade, S Africa (Petersen et al., 2012) Bulbine frutescens (L.) Willd Bulbine frutescens (L.) Willd. Bulbine frutescens (L.) Willd. leaves
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Acalypha hispida Acalypha hispida Burm.f. Acalypha hispida Burm.f. inflorescence, leaf, frond, stem bark, root bark
Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022) Acalypha hispida Burm F. Acalypha hispida Burm.f. Acalypha hispida Burm.f.

51 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "cat's tail":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
awi tanah Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
breitblättriger rohrkolben Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
bulrush Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
buntut kucing Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
cat-tail bullrush Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
chenille plant Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
cì máo tiě xiàn Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
dza-dza Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
ekor kucing Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
ekur kucing Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
gou wei hong Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
gǒu wěi hóng Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
hóng huā tiě xiàn Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
hóng suì tiě xiàn Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
hú lí wěi Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
hǔ wěi lún gēn Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
ibhuma Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
ingcongolo Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
katstert Other Wild-Harvested Spp. in Trade, S Africa (Petersen et al., 2012)
kattestaart Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
matjiesgoed Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
motsitla Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mubungwe Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
máo shuǐ zhēn zhū cài Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
mì huā jié jié hóng Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
māo wěi cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
māo xū cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
otjikomite Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
palmiet Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
papkuil Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
poker Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
reedmace Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
shuǐ zhēn zhū cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
shé wěi cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
tsita Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
tǒng tiān cǎo Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
umkhanzi Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
zaza Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
刺毛铁苋 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
密花节节红 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
毛水珍珠菜 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
水珍珠草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
狐狸尾 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
狗尾红 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
猫尾草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
猫须草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
红穗铁苋 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
红花铁苋 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
统天草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
虎尾轮根 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)
蛇尾草 Other Polyglot Asian Med.: Malay Subset (Stanley-Baker, 2022)