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Non-scientific name:


2 Accepted name(s) for "bohe":

6 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Trade forms: Plant parts:
Pharmacopoeia of China (2010) Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha canadensis L. dried aerial parts aerial parts
Med. Pl. in China (WHO, 1997) Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha canadensis L. Whole plant
Pharmacopoeia of China (2015) Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha canadensis L.
Trad. Med. in Dali Prefecture, SW China (Zhang et al., 2014) Mentha haplocalyx Mentha haplocalyx Briq.

MPNS Best Guess

Mentha canadensis L. Whole grass
Pharmacopoeia of China (2005) Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Mentha canadensis L. dried aerial parts aerial parts
Med. Pl. Used by Indig. Taiwan (CCMP, 2003) Lilium formosanum A. Wallace Lilium formosanum A.Wallace Lilium formosanum A.Wallace

22 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "bohe":