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Non-scientific name:


1 Accepted name(s) for "bluebush":

1 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999) Diospyros lycioides Desf. Diospyros lycioides Desf. Diospyros lycioides Desf.

31 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "bluebush":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
bloubos Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
bluebush star-apple Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
chitomatomana Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
g/ug//oroxa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
karoobloubos Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
lehlajwa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
letlhajwa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
m'dima Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
monkey plum Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
motlhaja Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
motloumana Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
mupumhazvuru Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
muthala Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
muvitji Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
omumdumbiri Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
omundumbiri Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
omuryambandje Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
omuzema Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
oshilugulu Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
oshimumu Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
red star-apple Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
schakalbeere Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
shihorowa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
sihorowa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
swartwortel Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
umbhongisa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
umbongisa Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
umnqandane Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
umqathuva Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
wild persimmon Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)
zahnb?rstenstrauch Other SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999)