Non-scientific name:
arabian myrrh
4 Accepted name(s) for "arabian myrrh":
5 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:
Medicinal sources: | Scientific names as used in medicinal source: | MPNS matched scientific names: | Accepted name: | Drug form: | Plant parts: |
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999) | Commiphora habessinica (O. Berg) Engl. | Commiphora habessinica (O.Berg) Engl. | Commiphora kua (R.Br. ex Royle) Vollesen | ||
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000) | Commiphora madagascariensis Jacq. | Commiphora madagascariensis Jacq. | Commiphora madagascariensis Jacq. | oleo-gum-resin | |
Kew's Economic Botany Collection (RBG, Kew, 2020) | Commiphora myrrha | Commiphora myrrha (T.Nees) Engl. | Commiphora myrrha (T.Nees) Engl. | ||
Herbal Meds., 3rd edn. (Barnes et al., 2007) | Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. | Commiphora myrrha (T.Nees) Engl. | Commiphora myrrha (T.Nees) Engl. | Oleo gum resin | |
U.S. FDA Substance Registration System (2016) | Commiphora schimperi (O. Berg) Engl. | Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. | Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. | Oleo-gum-resin | |
Herbs of Commerce (McGuffin et al., 2000) | Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. | Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. | Commiphora schimperi (O.Berg) Engl. | oleo-gum-resin |
20 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "arabian myrrh":