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Non-scientific name:


3 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum spiciforme Royle Rheum spiciforme Royle Rheum spiciforme Royle
Demand & Supply of Med. Pl. in India (Ved et al., 2008) Rheum spiciforme Royle Rheum spiciforme Royle Rheum spiciforme Royle Root (Rhizome)
Demand & Supply of Med. Pl. in India (Ved et al., 2008) Rheum moorcroftianum Royle Rheum moorcroftianum Royle Rheum moorcroftianum Royle Root (Rhizome)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum moorcroftianum Royle Rheum moorcroftianum Royle Rheum moorcroftianum Royle
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum officinale Baill. Rheum officinale Baill. Rheum officinale Baill.
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum nobile Hook. f. & Thomson Rheum nobile Hook.f. & Thomson Rheum nobile Hook.f. & Thomson
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum rhaponticum L. Rheum rhaponticum L. Rheum rhaponticum L.
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum palmatum L. Rheum palmatum L. Rheum palmatum L.
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum emodi Wall. Rheum emodi Wall. Rheum webbianum Royle
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Rheum webbianum Royle Rheum webbianum Royle Rheum webbianum Royle
Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007) Rheum emodi Wall. ex Meissn. Rheum emodi Wall. ex Meisn. Rheum australe D.Don oil root
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Garcinia hanburyi Hook.f. Garcinia hanburyi Hook.f. Garcinia hanburyi Hook.f.
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Vitis carnosa (Roxb.) Wall. Vitis carnosa (Lam.) Wall. Causonis trifolia (L.) Mabb. & J.Wen
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020) Vitis trifolia L. Vitis trifolia L. Causonis trifolia (L.) Mabb. & J.Wen

135 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "amlaparni":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
aachir Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
amal-bel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
amalbel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ambutvel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
amlatbel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
amlavetasa Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
aranyavasani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
archa Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
archu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
asara-i-raiwand Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
atis Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
atyamlaparni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
awon Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bag ki rubarb Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ballisurana Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
banastha Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bhallu sallu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bhotiaachai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
bhotiachai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chamar bel Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chandan buti; asrowal Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chinese rhubard Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
chorivalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
corivalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dadamadavalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dholu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
dolu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ekavira Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
gandhini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
gandhini revatikaa Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
gidad-drak Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
gidardrak Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
heggoli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
himalayan rhubarb Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
hindi-revand-chini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
hindirevandchini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
indian rhubarb Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
iraval chinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ireval cinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
irevalcini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
irevalcinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
irevarcinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kadep-tige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kadepatige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kakattari Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kalu kutti Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kamputige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kanapatiga Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kandura Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kaniapatige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kaniputige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kaniyapatige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kankusta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
karavadavalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kassar Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kodya Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kurudinna Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kurudinne Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
kurudiune Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ladakirevanda-chini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ladkirevanda-chini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
makkikkilanku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mancatcina kilanku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mandula-maritige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mandulamaritige Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mekamettani Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
mulkacharevalchinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nat-reva-chinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
natrevalchinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
natrevvachinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattirevaichini Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
nattirevalchinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattu iravel cinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattu ireval-chinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattu reval-chinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattu-ireval-chinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattu-manjat-chinak-kizhangu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattu-pasupu-china-gadda Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattu-reval-chinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattuirevalcinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattumancalcinakkilanku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattumancatcinak kilanku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattumanjatchinnakkilangu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
nattupampuchinagadda Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
natturevalchinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
natturevalcinni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
neckila Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
odi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
padam Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
padmachal Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
palu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
petikkilanku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
petikkilantu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pita Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pitamula Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pitamuuli Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
pitimulika Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
poh Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
poksm Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pola Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
pulimada Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ramchana Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
ravande-hindi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
rawardchni Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
revachini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
reval-chini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
revalchini kattai Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
revalchinikattai Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
revand-chini Other Demand & Supply of Med. Pl. in India (Ved et al., 2008)
Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
revandachini Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
revandchini Other Indian Med. Pl. Dictionary (Khare, 2007)
revande-hindi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
revat-chini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
revatchini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
revatika Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
rewand chini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
rewand chini nim kofta Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
rewand-chini Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
rhapontic rhubarb Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
soma Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
sorivalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tali Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tarjhippan Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tatar Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tatari Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tatra Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tatri Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
thul tanturi Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tikshna Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
tsjorivalli Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
turkish rhubard Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
usara rewand Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
variatoo kalung Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
variyatitukkilanku Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)
variyattu Other Indian Med. Pl. Database (TDU, 2020)