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Non-scientific name:


2 Accepted name(s) for "alsem":

3 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008) Artemisia absinthum L. Artemisia absinthium L. Artemisia absinthium L. herba
African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010) Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. dried leaves and twigs or essential oil above-ground parts
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999) Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd.

28 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "alsem":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
absint Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
absinth Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
absinthe Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
absinthii herba Pharmaceutical EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
absintio, absenta, ajenjo Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
absinto Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
abszint Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
african wormwood Other African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
afrikanischer wermut Other African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010)
als Other African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
armoise d’afrique Other African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010)
assenzio Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
assenzju Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
iarbă de pelin Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
koirohi Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
lengana Other African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010)
magenkraut Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
malurt Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
palinová vňať Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
pelyňková nať Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
umhlonyane Other African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010)
wermutkraut Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
wildeals Other African Herbal Pharmacop. 1st edn. (2010)
GRIN Report: World Economic Pl. (Wiersema & León, 1999)
wormwood herb Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
zel pravega pelina Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
ziele piolunu Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
αψίνθιο η αρτεμισία Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)
абсент Other EMA Com. Monog.: Artemisia absinthum, herb. (2008)