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Non-scientific name:

čajovníkový list nefermentovaný

1 Accepted name(s) for "čajovníkový list nefermentovaný":

1 Medicinal source(s) include this non-scientific name:

Medicinal sources: Scientific names as used in medicinal source: MPNS matched scientific names: Accepted name: Drug form: Plant parts:
EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012) Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze non fermentatum folium

23 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "čajovníkový list nefermentovaný":

Non-scientific names: Class of name: Medicinal sources:
camelliae non fermentatum folium Pharmaceutical EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
chá, folha não fermentada Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
frunză de ceai verde Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
green tea Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
groene thee Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
grøn te Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
grønn te Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
grünteeblätter Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
kininių arbatmedžių nefermentuoti lapai Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
kαμελλίας (tεΐας) της σινικής φύλλο πράσινο Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
liść herbaty chińskiej niefermentowany (herbata zielona) Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
nefermentirani list čajevca Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
roheline tee Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
te Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
te aħdar Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
thé vert (feuille de) Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
tè verde (foglia) Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
té verde, hoja de Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
tējas krūma nefermentētas lapas Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
vihreätee Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
zöld tea levél Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
čajovníkový list, nefermentovaný Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)
зелен чай Other EMA Com. Monog.: Camellia sinensis, non ferm. fol. (2012)